Product Introduction
Runway Gen-2 is a multimodal AI system that can generate innovative videos using various inputs such as text, images, or video clips. This tool can generate videos by applying the style and composition of image or text prompts to the structure of the source video, and it can even create videos using text prompts alone. It can create high-quality, consistent videos that appear to have been actually filmed, even though nothing was actually recorded. Gen-2 offers eight modes that allow for different types of video generation. Mode 1 is "Text-to-Video, " which synthesizes videos in any style using text prompts. Mode 2, "Text+Image-to-Video, " generates videos using both image and text prompts. Mode 3 uses driving images to generate videos, while Mode 4 transfers the style of any image or prompt to each frame of the video. Mode 5, "Storyboard, " transforms the model into fully stylized and animated renderings. Mode 6, "Mask, " isolates subjects in the video and modifies them using simple text prompts. Mode 7 is "Rendering, " which converts untextured renderings into realistic outputs using input images or prompts. Mode 8 is "Customization, " allowing users to customize the model for higher and more accurate results. Gen-2 is more popular than existing image-to-image and video-to-video translation methods and is a valuable tool in various industries, especially video production and creative work.