Product Introduction
RTutor is an AI-powered data analysis tool that provides a natural language interface for interacting with data. It can generate R and Python code for various statistical analyses and produce HTML reports. Built on the powerful text-davinci-003 language model from OpenAI, it can convert natural language into R and Python code. It supports data files in CSV, TSV/tab-separated text, and Excel formats. It can automatically detect data types, convert numeric columns into factors, and generate descriptive summaries and charts. It can also generate code for correlation, GGpairs, and other analyses. RTutor supports natural language processing in dozens of human languages, including Chinese, Ukrainian, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, German, French, Luxembourgish, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Japanese, Italian, Persian, and more. It can answer general questions without mentioning column names, as it can detect and understand context. RTutor is a personal project by Steven Ge and is available for free for academic and non-profit organizations. Commercial use beyond testing purposes is not allowed.