Product Introduction is an incredibly adorable application that can fetch the content and files from your website and provide you with a seamlessly integrated search bar that fits right into your website design. By utilizing the Collie fetcher, an automated web crawler program, is able to extract content, media, and files from your website, making them searchable. Collie only crawls public data, but users can reach out to the team to search for other data. The fetched resources are added to a search index called Mixpeek, which allows users to easily access these resources. Collie supports various file formats, including PDFs, images, videos, audios, HTML, and text. In terms of security, Collie securely extracts content and files, and users can request file deletion at any time by contacting the team. The speed of the crawling process depends on the number of pages on the website, but users will receive an email notification from when the search is ready. Collie offers a free quota of 1000 pages or files, and users can search for private content by registering for the beta version. Additionally, users can add the search bar to their website either through the API or by using the search bar provided by Collie. Collie aims to provide an outstanding search experience for website users, just like Border Collies are renowned for their intelligence, speed, and herding skills.